I am teaching myself to play the flute. My husband gave it to me for my birthday this last year. I’m not very good. I have a tendency to try to play by ear. But I really want to learn the notes. So I have been trying to concentrate on how to do that better. I am getting better, slowly. I thought I’d be embarrassed to play my flute in front of my family, but I have gotten over that. In fact, I will even play when my kids have friends over. My family hears me making mistakes, and sounding wrong quite often. I don’t think I drive them too crazy yet, or at least they haven’t told me that I do. And my husband says he thinks it’s relaxing for him to listen to me practice. Although I think he may have been telling me a little white lie.
I like flutes very much. There are many different types of flutes with different sounds and different sizes. I have a very pretty flute. I think it is a C Concert flute. That means it starts at middle C and goes for 3 octaves. But I only know about the first 1 1/2octaves.
I finally bought the large print spiral bound book of church hymns. I am teaching myself to play some of the hymns in it. I am currently working on “The Spirit of God” that is on page 2. I love that song, and it is kind of fun to play because it goes all over the range of notes that I know how to play. I have learned how to play the song that my Great Great Great Grandfather wrote called "High on a Mountain Top". It's pretty cool to play something that your ancestor wrote.
This flute is very much like my flute.
I have a new plan to help me enjoy Christmas this year and to keep more of Christ in it. The other night, I had a list of stuff I should have been doing. I was starting to get a bit overwhelmed by all I was supposed to do. So instead of doing any of it, I skipped it all and played my flute for about an hour or so. I found the Christmas hymns in my new music book and started learning them. I think it will be a nice way to relax, a nice way to bring more Christ into Christmas, and a way to improve on something I really want to learn. It was fun. I am still overwhelmed with too much to do, but at least I enjoyed the other night’s flute playing