Last night Bryan and I went and saw the opera "The Flying Dutchman". It was a nice evening. We went to dinner first at the Olive Garden, then we walked over to the theater.
The opera was an interesting story. It was about a sailor who had been cursed to sail the seas and could only go on land once every 7 years. The curse could only be broken by finding a woman to love him, and be faithful to him to her death.
The opera was good, but not one of my favorites. I think the orchestra was the best part. Especially the overture. You could almost feel the rolling ocean in the orchestra music.
You can tell the story was written over 150 years ago. A ship's captain meets the Flying Dutchman and agreed to arrange a marriage to his pride and joy daughter, Senta, for a shipload of treasures. Senta was going to sacrifice her life to save the dutchman who she never met, and was also going to be an obedient daughter and pledge her love and life to the dutchman. To add interest to the story, a hunter also loves Senta.